Global demand for natural food is increasing every day. As Aromsa we prefer to find the solution again in nature to make foods tastier. Our extracts add natural flavours in products and they also provide special value-added components such as unique colours, functionality and nutrients for the enrichment of these products.

Extracts are frequently used in food and in pharmaceutical industry. Extracts are used to enrich taste and flavour, mask unpleasant flavours and underline taste. They are used as natural antioxidants due to their potential antioxidant capacties. As Aromsa, we have increased the amount of antioxidants in sour cherry by 1.5 fold using a special method during the maceration process in sour cherry extract production.

Distillates, infusions and extractions are produced in the extraction department of Aromsa. Depending on the area of use, liquid and encapsulated forms of extracts are available.

Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Supercritical Fluid Extraction is dissolution of a substance in a supercritical fluid and then separation of product from the fluid at high pressure and temperature. Carbondioxide is used as the supercritical solvent at Aromsa. Therefore, products made by supercritical CO2 extraction;

  • do not contain solvent residues
  • are 100% pure
  • and eco-friendly

At Aromsa supercritical CO2 extraction is used especially for extraction of oily seeds such as hazelnut, peanut and pistachio and some ingredients including ginger and cinnamon. Products made by this method are fat soluble and in liquid form and can be converted into powder if requested.

Extracts made by supercritical CO2 extraction technique at Aromsa;
  • Pistachio Extract
  • Almond Extract
  • Walnut Extract
  • Hazelnut Extract
  • Juniper Seed Extract
  • Cinnamon Extract
  • Peanut Extract
  • Ginger Extract

Membrane Technology

Membrane Technology is a technology developed as an alternative to conventional clarification, purification and concentration methods used for fruit and vegetable juices. In membrane technology, reverse osmosis, a hybrid system and osmotic distillation is used separately or combined depending on the intended use. Membrane Technology is not an extraction method but a concentration method. Membrane Technology is more efficient compared to other evaporation technologies and the processing time is shorter.

We combine our expertise in conventional methods with state-of-the-art technology.

Aromsa is one of the first companies to use membrane technology in flavour and food industry and the company has been using this technology for extraction of especially fruits and vegetables since 2014. The reason why we use membrane technology at Aromsa is that it does not require thermal processing and allows work at atmospheric pressure. When the products we work on at Aromsa are concentrated, they keep their first day freshness, flavours and antioxidant capacities as they are not exposed to thermal processing. That's why our extracts feel like they are just picked from a tree when compared to similar products. As Aromsa, we encapsulate liquid extracts made by membrane technology using suitable carriers to convert them into powder form. With this we prevent microbiological issues in final products and ensure a longer shelf life for our extracts.

As Aromsa, we do not only produce fruit and vegetable extracts but also cold brew coffee, tea and herbal extracts which have been very popular in recent years.

Extracts Made by Aromsa's expertise in Membrane Technology
  • Raspberry Extract Encapsulated
  • Blackberry Extract Encapsulated
  • Strawberry Extract Encapsulated
  • Carrot Extract Encapsulated
  • Water Melon Extract Encapsulated
  • Garlic Extract Encapsulated
  • Onion Extract Encapsulated
  • Cold Brew Coffee Extract
  • Cold Brew Tea Extract
  • Cold Brew Lavender Extract
  • Cold Brew Melissa Extract